60 Day Juice Feast -Day 50

Ahh, the joy of an aligned spinal column and newly cut hair! Yesterday I had a chiropractor appointment, which felt AMAZING. The chiropractor is the only doctor I’ve been to in years, and I’ve actually been getting a regular adjustment (once per month at least) for probably 10 years. I absolutely love how I feel after them – a little like gumby. Everything feels so free flowing, aligned, and energized in my spine.

Today I got a haircut, which was badly needed  I have super thick hair so I get it thinned out a little bit, that way its not so heavy. The pile of hair she cut off was massive, and to think barely any of it came from cutting any length off. My hair has definitely gotten shinier and stronger since I started this juice feast, no doubt.

Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:

32 oz. orange/grapefruit juice w/ 1/2 TBS MSM
16 oz. pomegranate/apple/strawberry/blueberry juice
16 oz. orange/grapefruit juice

16 oz. apple/peach/mango/strawberry juice w/ spirulina

16 oz. green leaf lettuce/pear juice

16 oz. apple/peach/mango/strawberry juice w/ spirulina

I think I’m going to have to start getting some leafy green juice from Wild Oats… I’ve given up the pathetic blender I was using here and pulled out my old Jack LaLanne juicer, which is great for fruits, terrible for greens. I got a huge bunch of parsley yesterday and my LaLanne pushed out a whopping two ounces of parsley juice from it. Rejuicing the pulp proved to be a futile endeavor. Hmm….

Wow, day 50 today!! Amazing. So depending on how long I choose to go, I could have anywhere between 10 and 42 more days of Juice Feasting! I’m really ok with whatever length I go – this has been an amazing journey no matter what and it is only the first of many, many juice feasts for me!

David Rain asked me today if I was having more vivid dreams. Funny he should say that, because I ABSOLUTELY have. Especially this past week, never in my life have I had such detailed, vivid, complex dreams so easily remembered as now. David suggested I look into lucid dreaming – it seems that some combination of the physical cleanliness I have reached plus the pairing subtle energy awakening may have given way to these heightened dream experiences.

I’ll keep you updated on that for sure, I’ve always been interested in lucid dreaming…



Day 51 Juice Feast


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 49