The Fiery Ball in the Sky


Hello everyone,

I’m feeling SUMMER, if you know what I mean, and I just want to play in the pool (non chlorinated!) in the sun instead of write on the computer!

Thank you for all your positive feedback on the videos I’ve posted! My friend Puki did a really great job on the documentary, and then compiled the other short videos just for fun because she had extra footage, but people seem to really enjoy them as well! It’s odd being on camera – it was my first time!

Now, let’s see, what other goings on do we have! It is getting HOT! Anywhere between 93 and 100 each day this week.. whew.

The last Masters Intensive ever is happening right now at the Tree, so the 37 students attending this one are nearing the end of their 27 day journey. The Cafe is in crank mode, churning out raw food buffets 3x/day for the 100 or so people that are eating there every day right now (other guests, staff, seva, and community members also eat in addition to the MA students). This Saturday we have a ‘Farewell Party’ for them although they don’t actually leave till the 1st. David Wolfe will be here by then, so that should be fun.


Sunday, VivaPura is hosting a ‘Live Pure Superfood and Durian Jam’ party at their warehouse. Yes, a small town Patagonia is, but a lot of epic fun going on! I will take some pictures!

Next weekend is the Interdependence Day Celebration with David Wolfe and Gabriel, which is always SUCH a good time. To watch the dynamic and chemistry between these two is such a treat. They really get along well and have a good time. I’m excited for that!

A dear friend of mine, Koali, is a previous chef at the Tree of Life Cafe and now lives in Patagonia as a part of the community. I often post Koali’s pictures of the Tree of Life Cafe creations. She has been making some gorgeous creations in her own home. This, my friends, is why this woman has my heart for all of eternity.

Below: raw White Barkbuckwheat cookies


Below: Hawaiian Ginger Vanilla Mylk


Below: Raw Ice Cream


TOL Masters Students Farewell Party – Pictures


Tree of Life Cafe – Food Pics 14