My December Juice Cleanse, Days 6-7

Hi, juicy ones!

My recap of the last couple days of my Juice Feast is clearly delayed. Lots of holiday activity and business!

The last 2 days went well. I enjoyed some delicious beet juice, as you can see in the photo, and more green juice and coconut water and other delights. It was uncharacteristically warm in Philadelphia, making it surely one of the less chilly December Juice Feasts that I’ve done.

In writing about this Juice Feast, and also when I wrote about the one I did this August, I realized that in some ways, it’s much more challenging for me to write about them now than it was during the first few years of doing them. I suppose you could say that to me they feel so normal now, so routine, that I don’t quite have fresh eyes on the experience. I get super excited and enthusiastic about them, still, but again, they just seem normal. Like as if you’d been doing a sport for a really long time. Familiar and pretty easy to do, but still exciting and epic.

So that being said, I’d like to write my next blog post on how the experience – physically, but even more so mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, has changed for me over the 7+ years that I’ve been doing juice cleanses and Juice Feasting.

Do you have any questions you’d like answered in that post in regards to what cleansing is like for me now versus when I started? Write them below in the comments!



Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

My Holidays in Utah


My December Juice Cleanse, Days 1-5