Red Bell Pepper Green Juice: A Radical Radiance Recipe

Bell pepper is one of my favorite things to make juice with. I think it tastes good with almost anything! It adds just a tinge of sweet but really isn’t high-glycemic at all. Yum! This juice still is green when it’s done because it just has 1 red bell pepper in it, but feel free to try it with more!

Here’s a recipe honoring one of the best reds in nature:

Red Bell Pepper Green Juice Ingredients:

makes approx 22 oz in a juicer

1 medium red bell pepper

1 apple

1 medium cucumber

1 head cilantro (or if you’re not a cilantro fan, try spinach, lettuce, or kale)

juice from 1/2 lemon


Juice and enjoy! If you’re using the Vitamix/nut milk bag method, add 1/2 cup water (more later if needed) and blend, followed by straining through your nut milk bag.



Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

Guest Post: Mary Ann’s 7-Day Juice Cleanse


My January 2014 Juice Cleanse: Days 5-7