Why Our Bodies’ Natural Detox Isn’t Always Enough

There is a common argument that we don't need cleansing because our body can flush its own toxins out; that our organs and systems are designed to do so and are working to eliminate toxins all the time.

This is true!

The problem with this argument is it does not take into account the fact that we live in a modern world where we are absolutely bombarded with chemicals and toxins all day, every day.

We don't live in the same world that people did even a few hundred years ago.

Back then, and certainly even further back, there was comparably so much less exposure to toxic chemicals and substances, that our bodies were able to do what they should be able to do, and eradicate foreign contaminants easily.

Our bodies are now having to deal with toxins that they simply aren't designed to deal with well. Our bodies are also dealing with a load that is often way, way beyond their capacity. They just can't keep up with all that we are exposed to (and were never meant to be exposed to).

It's like trying to say that because we have detox organs, we should be able to handle concentrated chlorine gas or heavy lead exposure.

Here's a great quote from Frank Lipman M.D. which attempts to illustrate this:

“The toxins and chemicals of modern industrial life assault our bodies every day.

Our systems are constantly neutralizing and eliminating them, but the problem is, over time, this exposure overwhelms the detox organs, (primarily the liver and the gut).

So, instead of getting eliminated, toxins wind up being stored in various tissues, bodily functions start to slow then falter, setting the stage for the development of chronic diseases.”

-Dr. Frank Lipman

If we do things to reduce our toxic exposure up front, this will help greatly. But even with all the things we can do in that regard, our bodies may still struggle to keep up because we can't control everything in our environment.

Therefore periodic cleanses are really helpful to assist your body to be able to take a break from putting energy into digestion, and allocate it to "housecleaning" instead!

There are also several kinds of cleansing that can be used for this purpose, whether that be juice cleansing or cleanses which involve some solid food.

If you're interested in coaching for a cleanse, I can individualize one for you. Message me here through my website!

Photo by Alex Lvrs via Unsplash


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