60 Day Juice Feast – Day 4


Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:

1 TBS Bee Pollen

16 oz. coconut water

32 oz green juice w/ 1/2 tsp cayenne

8 oz. kale/celery/apple juice
1 TBS raw honey w/ herbal peppermint tea

Hmmm… a lesson was learned today. If you’re going to be away from home for a long time, and its not a temperature outside which would compare to a refrigerator, then HAVE A COOLER!! I made all my juices like a good little girl and my rational was that I’d drink most of them pretty quickly and the rest wouldn’t go bad THAT quicky and I could drink it throughout the day…

Well, they did. 30 minutes of warmth makes them naaaasty. Needless to say, the vomitous taste of warm juice is terrible, especially if there are juices from greens involved, and I just couldn’t drink them. So, as you can see from my log above, I definitely didn’t get in a gallon. OI!! Luckily, I think my ayurvedic bodily constitution being kapha/pitta doesn’t fuss as much over minimal intake as someone else’s body type.

Still having bowel movements, every day… Amazing, eh?

My incredible friend Frank Giglio has also surprised me with a wonderful little introduction to my juice feast on his blog, http://www.rawfoodfrank.blogspot.com/. Frank is a powerful person and a raw athlete!!

Thank you to all who are following this blog and all who are featuring my journey!


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 5


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 3