60 Day Juice Feast – Day 28

Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:

16 oz. water w/ 1/2 TBS MSM
16 oz. green juice w/ lemon, cayenne, turmeric, and a pinch of salt
30 oz. celery/apple/grape juice
16 oz. green juice w/ lemon, cayenne, turmeric and a pinch of salt
3 TBS bee pollen

26 oz. celery/apple/grape juice w/ 1/2 TBS chlorella, 1/4 TBS Nature’s First Food, 1/2 TBS MSM and 1 TBS hemp oil
32 oz. green juice w/ lemon, cayenne, and turmeric
26 oz. orange juice w/ 1/2 TBS Nature’s First Food and 1/4 TBS MSM
2 TBS E3 Live

I’ve been noticing something interesting when I take E3 Live. When I started the juice feast, I actually dreaded taking it because I thought it tasted so terrible (I take the liquid form). Well, the past few days in particular, when I take it, I keep thinking there’s something wrong with it because it tastes so mild and I don’t cringe at all. I love E3 live – it makes me feel so balanced.

Today was AMAZING, because I started of the day with this INCREDIBLE new supplement – Max Stress B Nano–Plex. From Premier Research Labs, this is a living B vitamin supplement. I took about 1/2 TBS with water this morning and wow… I felt so amazing today, so balanced, and so unshakably happy. Nothing could get me down, I felt so optimistic and I really attribute it to the B vitamins. I’ve been vegan for over 2 years and never taken a B supplement, so perhaps my body is really craving it. I tell you, I was so magnetized to it that I wanted to take the whole bottle if I could have.

Weekly check-in time:

  • I have felt very emotionally elevated this week… which is pretty common for juice feasters when they get into the 20’s days of juice feasting.

  • My bowel movements have definitely increased.

  • Noticing more detox symptoms, although mild – some mild headaches and fatigue

  • Some skin blemishes showing up – result of detox, most likely

  • Have lost a bit more weight, for a total of 12.2 lbs.

  • I’ve noticed my reflexes have increased dramatically…

Actually, that last one is pretty interesting – several times in the past week things have happened where I’ve amazed myself at the seemingly increased speed of my reflexes. Yesterday I was standing talking with someone and my mason jar of juice was knocked out of my hand and flew up but I shot out and caught it in midair. I truly don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything quite like it. Beware, folks, juice feasting may really turn you into a superhero.



60 Day Juice Feast – Day 29


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 27