60 Day Juice Feast – Day 37


Check out those HUMUNGO bowls of sprouts… Shanti Cousens to the left.


A shot of some of the people sitting outside.


The buffet line…


Another shot of the crowd, with Red Mountain in the background.


Red Mountain on Thanksgiving Day!

We had goings on all day at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center – each year the Tree hosts a Thanksgiving Celebration, including meditation, devotional chanting, service projects, a Blessing of the Food, and then a HUGE potluck Thanksgiving Feast. You’ll see pics from today above. Gabriel Cousens did the blessing. It was nice to see him again – he has been overseas for the last 5 weeks. He was pleased to see the results of my juice feast. It was an awesome gathering of loving people – probably between 150 and 200 total. I surely felt the love!!

Wow, what a PHENOMENAL day. I am so overflowing. Thank you so much for the floods of emails, comments, and support – you all have re-inspired me on this Juice Feast! I’m excited for day 38 tomorrow! 38… can you imagine? I’ve gone almost 40 days on juice…I feel so amazing today – a feeling of overwhelming joy, abundance, and gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for, it has nearly brought me to tears I every time I’ve thought of it today. I feel like if I began a list of things I’d never end it, but to name a few primary ones – my amazing friends, family and community here at the Tree and in other places, the opportunity for love that we all have every day, the knowledge of health and happiness, Juice Feasting, this blog that allows me to share with you my journey and reap the monumental gifts of this online community and connecting with each of you, learning from you.

Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:

8 oz. spinach/apple/pear/grape juice w/ spirulina
1 TBS Max Stress B
16 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric and salt
32 oz. spinach/apple/pear/grape juice w/ spirulina

Few drops marine phytoplankton
32 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric and salt
28 oz. spinach/apple/pear/grape juice w/ spirulina and salt

8 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric and salt

28 oz. spinach/apple/pear/grape juice w/ spirulina and salt

2 TBS honey

2 TBS bee pollen

2 TBS coconut oil

22 oz. spinach/apple juice w/ spirulina and saltAhh my body is just LOVING these spinach/apple/grape/pear juices with spirulina that Thim has been making me. I don’t know if its the large amount of spinach (chlorphyll) or the spirulina, or maybe both, but I feel like I could drink 4 quarts of just that stuff every day and be totally delighted. Maybe I will…


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 38


60 Day Juice Feast – Day 36