Day 59 Juice Feast

Today’s Feast, in order of consumption:

32 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric and salt
3 TBS bee pollen
16 oz. green juice w/ lemon, ginger, cayenne, turmeric and salt
16 oz. green juice w/ lemon and ginger
Almost one whole watermelon’s worth of watermelon juice 

YUM watermelon juice! THAT was divine…

WOW Day 59 Juice Feast! What an interesting place to be. I’d always thought I’d do between 60 and 92 days… to think that if I choose to do 60 for this first juice feast then tomorrow is my LAST day of all juice! Tomorrow I’ll feel whether I want to start breaking my feast or I want to go on, although I am leaning towards returning to solids. Having fun and taking it day by day. Part of me is actually feeling ecstatic about the idea of eating greens and sprouts, having felt like I’ve accomplished what I’ve set out to accomplish on this feast. I have no attraction whatsoever for nuts or dates or heavy foods, but ooooooooh some sprouts and spirulina? Drool. I am now a Juice Feast enthusiast to the moon, and will be doing a looooooot of juice feasting after this sixty or sixty plus day feast – anywhere from a day to a few weeks at a time. The end of this juice feast isn’t somehow a conclusion or ending point for me at all, but rather, just a joyous continuation! However, it’s been very interesting to observe the part of me that wants to go the full 92 days only because it knows I can, because other people have, and so it can prove its superiority and ability to ‘go the distance’, when the more centered part of me feels very good about my experience and accomplishments in 60 days and isn’t taking it so seriously.

It is VERY interesting when we realize that we no longer have certain problems with our health anymore, yet we had almost forgotten we had it and didn’t notice it healing. For example, I realized today that I have zero problem anymore with my eyesight. When I was about 16 I had to get glasses because I couldn’t see the boards in school unless I was seriously squinting all the time. Without glasses, I had to sit close to the front and I just was squinting to look at or see everything far away. I had nearsightedness, obviously, and my vision was about 20/50, which isn’t terrible, but it was enough that I needed glasses to drive legally and I needed them to see in school – I didn’t wear them all the time, just when I felt like I needed them. I only wore them regularly for a bit less than two years, and then stopped wearing them altogether when I was about 18. It was this time I was getting into alternative medicine and natural living. I’ve now been vegan for about 2 and a half years, and all raw for a year, and on juice for two months. I realized today that my eyesight has completely healed because someone was asking me to read a sign far away that I never would have been able to read a few years ago. I NEVER squint anymore or have trouble seeing distant things. To test it, I actually found my old glasses and put them on. I haven’t tried them on in easily a year or more. To my amazement, my glasses made almost no difference whatsoever in my quality of vision. I hadn’t even thought about my sight for so long.


Another wonderful announcement we are very excited about:

Upon the end of this Juice Feast, I will be joining the selected team of Juice Feast Coaches along with David and Katrina Rainoshek of Thim (who will also be available for coaching in the next few months) and I are working on a site coming soon, I will be available for coaching and consultations immediately, even before the site is up, including coaching for the Global Juice Feast 2008. Keep a lookout for the site launch!

Love always!



Day 60 Juice Feast


Day 58 Juice Feast