The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Warriors


This Saturday was an excellently awesome day for me  A few friends of mine had been raving about a hike near their home in a canyon close to Patagonia. I was told it was quite an ‘acrobatic‘ and ‘physically challenging’ endeavor, being that most of it involved scaling of rocks – a spelunking type experience. Was it EVER. For fun, they even nicknamed this trek, ‘The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Warriors‘.

We began about 12:30 pm. The first part of the trek, we essentially went through a crack in this mountain. Literally a crack – just a few feet wide at parts, and walls that reached 20 or 30 feet above us. In most parts, there was icky, murky water at the bottom, and so to maneuver it involved some amazing acrobatic moves and hand holds, often quite far above the water and rocks below… awesome  I can’t really even describe exactly HOW we managed to do it… Thrilling, creative movement! Next, we had to climb a tall, vertical rock wall, we happened upon a charming little hidden Oak tree valley, with streams and small waterfalls running through. We hiked up this for a while, and came to the top of this particular mountain, which offered a near 360 degree, the most gorgeous view of this area I’ve ever seen.

Altogether it took about 3.5 hours, and we returned to our guides’ home, where we enjoyed cacao herbal elixir, and talked.. and laughed.. and decided to have a fantastic salad dinner… and talked… and played dice & card games… and had more chocolate… and finally left at 10pm.

The rest of the day was spent walking down the creek at the nearby Nature Preserve/Bird Sanctuary, sipping tea and watching a cozy film, laying in the sun, and reading.

Love love LOVE weekends  

With sore everything everywhere,



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