Snow and Sweat

We received a nice showering of snow, the third we have received this year. We continue to get rained on over and over again and all the ‘old timers’, the cowboy boots and hat wearing people who have been in Patagonia for 50+ years are saying this amount of precipitation is stunningly abnormal. Ahhh, environmental changes. I am looking forward to the return of weather to frequently sunbathe 


I have begun again the P90X extreme home fitness routine. You may recall I had begun in this late summer. I finished a month straight and then I had some changes in my personal life and I didn’t continue with the workouts regularly, although I did do them sporatically. Now, I am back on the full 90 day program, with the support of the ‘P90X Posse‘, a group on facebook being maintained by Philip McCluskey (who, by the way, is seeing great results already). I find it great to have a support system in place since I am the only one at the Tree of Life doing it (still working on inspiring the group here to super fitness!) It’s been a week and a half and I do already feel stronger. Will keep you updated!

Other than my role at the Tree of Life and fitness, my time has largely been spent on a few writing projects I have going, meditating (most days about an hour or more), and reading about 6 books all at once. Highly enjoying them all 


ChocoDance Party!


Reversing Diabetes Naturally