Starlight and Painting: An Update


Hello, Dear Readers!

I find myself less able to rub in the days of AZ warmth at those of you living in cold climates…  It is getting chilly here!  With the shorter days and colder temperatures, I’ve found myself moving from long bike rides after a day of work to long walks with a flashlight in the dark.  Although I’m partial to the glory of flying down a hill on my bike surrounded by majestic mountains and cacti in the warm, blazing sun, my new evening communions with the night, replete with the sparkling, star-packed Arizona sky are certainly energizing.


I have been taking the course The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron.  The subject of art and certain other forms of creativity I enjoy have been pretty much absent from my blog, because, well, it’s been pretty much absent from my life for the last few years.  Prior to the last few years, however, art was a major focus in school; primarily painting, drawing, and clay sculpture.  If I can figure out how to upload pictures of my art here and protect them, I will do so (I’m an amateur about art on the internet, clearly…  does anyone know how to do that?)

The course is a whole other blog post in and of itself, and that blog post will definitely happen.  I have been (synchronously) blessed to actually be doing the course with others.  A community member in Patagonia actually studied with the revered Julia Cameron herself, and has taught the course before.  Myself and five other amazingly talented and creative women meet every Wednesday to go over the exercises for that week, discuss our creative victories and tribulations, and work through them towards the goal of a more profound and fulfilling creative life.  The quality time spent with powerful, creative women doesn’t hurt either 

More on that later…  Other recent adventures have included the massive Thanksgiving Celebration of nearly 200 people that happened last week.  I posted a blog about it on the Tree of Life’s official blog that you can see by clicking here.  Chocolate and dance themed parties are a regular around here, including tonight, when one of the reasons for celebration will be my 4th year anniversary of arriving to the Tree of Life.  Gosh, that could be yet another blog post…  Anyways, yes, four years ago today I arrived to Arizona, where I hadn’t been since I was born (if I may get poetic and corny for a moment, it seems this state is the place of my birth and my re-birth – ha!).

That’s my update for now!



Picture Summary: Raw Holiday Parties!


Receiving in Order to Share on Thanksgiving