How Green Juice Changes Your Taste Buds

Did you know that your taste buds can change to the point that you like the taste of green juice?

At the beginning of a person's journey with juicing, they may find that it's hard to get down the green, vegetable-based juices.

It is vital to focus on vegetable juices, however. While fresh fruit juice has plenty of benefits too, green vegetable juice is really where the healing power is at. Vegetable juice is also much lower glycemic and so better for anyone with blood sugar concerns.

After a lifetime of eating junk food, food additives and chemicals, and overstimulating our taste buds with refined sugar and large amounts of salt, our taste buds get out of whack.

Our body chemistry itself also gets out of whack. We become so over acidic that the alkalinity of green juice becomes revolting when it absolutely shouldn't be.

But what a lot of people don't know is how significantly their taste buds and body chemistry can change over time, so substantially that a juice which made them nearly gag before, tastes very mild and pleasant.

To have this result, it will be a matter of doing two things:

1) Reducing or eliminating acidifying and processed foods, such as animal products, caffeine, alcohol, refined sugar, refined flour, and otherwise processed foods.

2) Increasing your intake of alkaline, mineral rich foods; mainly vegetables and fruits. Stick to healthy fats like avocados and nuts, and healthy grains like quinoa and buckwheat.

As you can imagine, finding green juice and veggies to be mild-tasting really helps in sticking with a healthy diet!

Photo by Saymom Leao via Unsplash


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