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Overeating, Emotions and God’s Help
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Overeating, Emotions and God’s Help

Healing food addiction is hard and there's no need to sugar coat it. When you feel you can’t cope with the emotions that are under your compulsive eating, ask God to be with you as you feel. You’re not alone.

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Religion and Healing Compulsive Eating
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Religion and Healing Compulsive Eating

In order to heal compulsive eating, you may need to question the tenets of your religion or spiritual tradition. The truth is, many spiritual traditions and religions have teachings that are actually very damaging for healing food addiction.

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Juice Cleansing Isn’t Just For Your Body

Juice cleansing is most well-known for its physical benefits. People report endless benefits, including increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin, weight loss, digestive improvement, minimized pain and aches, and so much more. Today I’d like to talk about the benefits beyond the physical benefits that juice cleansing can bring us.

I want to do this for two reasons. The first is that I’d love to illustrate possibilities that can happen during juice cleansing which you might find exciting, so that you might consider adding non-physical goals to your intentions for juice cleansing. The second has to do with the misconception that cleansing is inherently or necessarily superficial, which comes from those who are simply unaware that juice cleansing does not have to be only about the physical, nor is it even mostly about the physical for many people.

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