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Why Changing Eating Without Emotions is Pointless
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Why Changing Eating Without Emotions is Pointless

Trying to change habits without examining them emotionally is pretty pointless because it won’t last. However, experimenting with changing the behaviors you’re drawn to and feeling about them emotionally can produce lasting change.

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Our Eating “Habits” Are Emotionally-Driven
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Our Eating “Habits” Are Emotionally-Driven

Do you feel like your food choices have just become a habit? Just a thing you do because, well, it’s familiar now? In this blog post I share what’s really going on with our eating habits.

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Overeating Isn’t Really About Food
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Overeating Isn’t Really About Food

Overeating isn’t really about your relationship with food, it’s about your relationship with emotions. Overeating is like the last domino in a domino chain. It's an effect and a symptom of a deeper underlying cause.

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How to Break the Habit of the "Clean Plate Club"
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

How to Break the Habit of the "Clean Plate Club"

Do you have the habit from your childhood around the “clean plate club”? Do you feel you have to finish everything on your plate? Do you get anxiety around waste or around the money you associate with food left uneaten? Here are 5 tips to break this habit.

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Food Addiction and Emotions You’re Afraid Of
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Food Addiction and Emotions You’re Afraid Of

Your emotions that you’re afraid you won’t survive are the very ones that, if you feel them, will heal your overeating. It's the feelings where you think "I can't go there" or "I can't handle those ones" which are the very ones you most need to go into to heal.

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The Manipulation of the “Clean Plate Club”
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

The Manipulation of the “Clean Plate Club”

The "clean plate club" and the "children are starving elsewhere" tactics are ones many people grew up with, and they were very damaging. Some parents shame their children by saying that children who are starving to death would love to have this food.

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Intuitive Eating and Your Breath
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Intuitive Eating and Your Breath

If you're a compulsive eater, you probably inhale your food. You likely don't breathe much. Changing the pattern of how we eat can really help us to heal overeating. When we slow down, breathe, chew, and are present with ourselves, it's a way to show love to ourselves.

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Eliminating Foods from Self-Hate vs. Self-Love
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Eliminating Foods from Self-Hate vs. Self-Love

Should you stop eating sugar? Should you reduce gluten Should you put parameters around your diet? Can you heal from binge eating if you have any parameters? What about your physical health, don't we need to limit certain things?

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When I Looked Up “Hunger” in the Dictionary
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

When I Looked Up “Hunger” in the Dictionary

When I was a teenager, I looked up the word "hunger" in a dictionary. I had realized that I wasn't sure I ever let myself get hungry, and I was hoping the dictionary might hold a description of what it felt like.

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When We Distrust Our Bodies’ Hunger Signals
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

When We Distrust Our Bodies’ Hunger Signals

Often we grew up eating because it was technically mealtime according to the clock, or because our parents said so, or for any reason, really: it was a special occasion, there was a new item at the supermarket, you're at a party.

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Do You Try to Eliminate “Temptations”?
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Do You Try to Eliminate “Temptations”?

When we are worried about overeating we often ask your partner or children to not bring certain foods into the house because we feel powerless when they're in front of us. But is this necessary?

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Resist Judging Your Overeating
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Resist Judging Your Overeating

When you overeat, resist the temptation to spiral in shame, self-judgment and fear. Self-judgment only makes binge eating worse.

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Compulsive Eating and Suppressing Feelings
Courtney Pool Courtney Pool

Compulsive Eating and Suppressing Feelings

Questions you can ask yourself when you want to eat compulsively: What am I feeling emotionally right now? Am I trying to get a feeling from this food/drink? Am I trying to suppress a feeling with this food/drink?

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