Welcome to my New Website!


Hello everyone!

It has been a long time since I wrote here! However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been around.

If you follow my YouTube channel or follow me on social media, you’ll have seen I’ve been just as active as usual these last 2 years. I’ve also continued to do my 1-1 coaching as usual during this time.

The thing was, I have been going through some changes over time in what I want to focus on in my work, and my website wasn’t feeling like me anymore or fitting the focus of my work.

My business and my work will always be developing, but over time I’ve realized that what I really love is helping people make emotional shifts in their relationship with food.

This is because I feel passionate about a couple things:

Healing food addiction is possible, and it’s possible for everyone.

No matter how long you’ve had it or how severe it’s been, no soul is permanently broken. The idea that the best you can do is manage overeating, but that it can’t truly be healed—it’s not true. Healing is possible! 

Vegan and plant-based diets can save the environment, your health, animals and affect human rights issues.

Everyone can thrive on a plant-based diet if they have a soul-based, emotional shift on it and if they understand the practical info on how to eat in a balanced way and prepare food.

I also still coach juice cleanses, which can provide a great environment for helping people to heal food addiction and overeating.

I hope you experience my website to be a good space to find content about how to heal overeating, about juicing and about plant-based nutrition. There is also information here about working with me 1-1.

I want to say a huge thanks to the brilliant Anna Stanford, the talented designer and branding expert who I worked with and who created my website. I highly recommend her! She helped me make a site that felt more like me, and turned a process that I initially I found intimidating into one that I got excited about. I had no idea where to start in creating a new website, and her unique process of developing websites and creating branding that felt like me, was unlike anything I've found in any other designer I've worked with. You can learn more about Anna at her site https://www.annastanford.com/.

 In terms of the theme, I love the “golden hour” that comes at sunset, and I also love wildflowers, which is what we built the site around. To me, they are symbolic of growth, changes, and freedom. 

 In 2007 I created my first ever blog and I named it "Radical Radiance", as I loved the idea then, as I do now, that we can all live radiant lives where we are neither trapped by the shackles of food addiction, nor bogged down by the burdens of ill health. Rather, that we can live radically radiant lives from the inside out.

 In the future, you’ll find more blogs and resources on my site. In the meantime, if you’d like also to follow me on my other platforms, I’m on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

 All the best,



Healing Food Addiction: Why Discipline Doesn’t Work


New Videos on Going and Being Vegan