Who Benefits From Your Confusion About Overeating?

Who in your life would prefer that you didn’t figure out the true causes of your compulsive eating? Who benefits from your unawareness, confusion and self-blame?

Your compulsive eating has causes that are discoverable! Who in your life might not like it if you made those discoveries?

Compulsive eating tendencies are never as simple as the following rationalizations we commonly use:

-I lack willpower and discipline

-Tempting food are right in front of me, therefore it's inevitable

-I'm stressed

-I'm really busy

-I have an "addictive personality"

-I need to get myself together

There are always deeper reasons. Without exception, for everyone on the planet now, in the past and in the future, compulsive eating is the result of a desire to suppress emotions and feelings. It is also a result of avoiding the truth about certain things in our past and present.

Usually, the main people who benefit from you continuing to blame yourself solely for your overeating are your parents and the caregivers who were adults in your childhood (which might include grandparents etc).

In your life now, there may also be others who prefer you not go deeper; perhaps your spouse, or your best friend, or your siblings. But it all starts with our childhood and our parents.

If you remain unaware of the true causes, they never have to face up to how they affected you.

If you stay confused about why you do what you do with food, clarity never comes and they never have to feel they're anything other than wonderful.

If you blame yourself all the time, they keep getting what they want from you in your relationship with them.

Who is benefitting from you feeling confused and getting angry at yourself for your food compulsions?

Photo by Ray Piedra via Pexels


Overeating Isn’t Really About Food


Your Broken Heart and Your Food Addiction